Some people clean the junk out of their attic. I'm cleaning the junk out of my trunk.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Inaugural Blog Post!

Hello Interweb!

It's been a long while.  I'm a former blogger who burned out several years ago (2 posts a day and a full time job will do that to you) and stopped blogging.  I have since turned my attention to work, school, and life.  However, I have tended to focus more on work or school than on myself, and I would like that to change.

Though there are many things about myself I would like to work on, this blog will be focused on my attempts to lose some of that junk currently residing in my trunk and on fitness in general.  I have to thank Ms. Bitchcakes for inspiring me to return to the interweb.  I can see that chronicalling her successes on her blog has been a major motivator for her, and I am hoping it will be the same for me.  Though my dog does pant happily when I tell her I've lost weight, I'm hoping writing it down and sending it out into the internerd will help me celebrate my successes even more, thus inspiring me to keep going.

To lose weight and get fit I am a Weight Watchers meeting member, I do yoga, and I run.  I have been an on-and-off Weight Watchers member since I was 19 (wow), but for the most part I always did it online.  I started going to meetings about 5 weeks ago and I have lost 4.4 pounds.  In the past I was always too embarrassed or busy to go to meetings, and on the rare occassion I tried meetings, I was the youngest person in the room by 20 years.  Now I'm not embarrassed, I'm making the time, and the meeting I'm going to has a great cross-section of New Yorkers, several of whom are like myself - youngish kidless career-types who like beer (well, maybe not exactly like that, but close enough).

I plan to write about once a week (no blogger burnout this time!), but as I'm a very busy career lady, I might miss a week now-and-then.

Thanks for reading.


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